About the Event

This is your opportunity to catch up on what’s been happening, chat with fellow members and also have a say in activities and events that excite you most!

At the meeting, you’ll have two minutes to tell us all about yourself and your business; you can share information about your successes, new products or services, your future plans etc. Bring along a prop related to your business. The prop voted the most original/quirky/interesting will receive a prize!

It would be great to see you there. This is your group, and your opinion matters, so please do join us. Please book to register your attendance. The AGM is free for members so please login to the Women Ahead members area first!

AGM papers will be sent in due course.

What time?

Our AGM will take place on Zoom on Friday 4th June at 4pm

Join here – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83051859337?pwd=aFVrQ2Q0OU5RQlZhQmlDNEFZVVI1QT09

What does it cost?

The event is free for members. Please log in to book your free place.

Get involved!

An important part of the AGM will be the election of committee members.

Are you looking for an opportunity to develop your personal and/or organisational skills? Do you have enthusiasm for helping take members into an exciting post-pandemic future? Then why not put your name forward to join our committee! We have openings for specific roles including Vice Chair, Secretary and Membership Secretary as well as ordinary committee members.

We will provide support and training for each role. Interested? Simply send your name and email address to Alison by Friday 14th May. Details of nominees will be sent to all members to consider by 31st May. The formal election of nominees will take place at the AGM.

Become part of the Women Ahead committee

If you have any questions about our business breakfasts, or would like to get involved, take part in our Events showcasing opportunities, give a talk, suggest a topic or share news at our event, please contact us – [email protected].