About the Event

Meet at Jannetta’s in Slessor Gardens for ice cream or coffee, then enjoy a stroll along Dundee’s waterfront.
We’ll walk in small groups so you can have the opportunity to chat and get to know some of our members.


Meet at Jannetta’s, Slessor Gardens. Parking is free at Slessor Gardens after 6pm.

What time?

Tuesday 20th July at 6pm

What does it cost?


Please email Wendy, if you’d like to join us so we can contact you with alternative arrangements should the weather be inclement.

Become part of the Women Ahead committee

If you have any questions about our business breakfasts, or would like to get involved, take part in our Events showcasing opportunities, give a talk, suggest a topic or share news at our event, please contact us – [email protected].