About the Event

Impact of food on your mood, weight and hormonal balance. Hosted by WA chair, holistic nutritionist Alison Cowell, this informative and entertaining event highlights the foods that can affect how we are feeling. Including the latest on the microbiome, discover how you can take control of your health by simply dietary changes. Nothing faddy or controversial, just getting to know YOUR body and its needs. Twitchy eye? Coated tongue? Ridged fingernails? Insomnia? Stubborn weight gain?


Online – Join on Zoom – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83563175196?pwd=NGVRUFhIb2JnSFJvQVNoWEk1bjZpUT09

What time?

Join Alison at 11.00am on 23rd October

What does it cost?


Become part of the Women Ahead committee

If you have any questions about our business breakfasts, or would like to get involved, take part in our Events showcasing opportunities, give a talk, suggest a topic or share news at our event, please contact us – [email protected].