About the Event

Join us on our free webinar with Liz Oliver as we discuss how to deal with change.

Are you going through a tough time at home or at work and wondering how much longer it’s going to go on?

Do you sense it’s time to change but can’t quite see the way forward?

The core purpose of Rethinking is to support you through a period of change by getting clarity on what you really want and addressing any issues that are blocking progress.


Your place! Grab a coffee and join the Zoom call at here on your device of choice!

What time?

10.30am – 11am Friday 1st May

What does it cost?


If you have any questions about our business breakfasts, or would like to get involved, take part in our Events showcasing opportunities, give a talk, suggest a topic or share news at our event, please contact us – [email protected].